Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz

Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz

The little pebble-sized truffles are preserved in their own juices or brine, and are ready to use. In order to help reconstitute their original flavor and aroma from being preserved in brine, chefs suggest to first lightly sauté them in a truffle butter or oil, and then use at the end of a preparation (like risottos and pastas) to release the full potency flavor and scent as they are served. Preserved truffles are a nice, budget-friendly way to add visual truffle appeal to dishes. However, if you are looking to add the pungent aroma and taste of truffles to your dish, we recommend that you explore our fresh truffle selection at Jarred or canned truffles, sold by us or any other vendor, are mere shadows of their fresh truffle selves and will not, by themselves, deliver the aroma or flavor of fresh truffles. They are great to use with truffle oil the oil will add the flavor, the preserved truffles the truffle look, but preserved truffles should be used only to garnish a dish, or in conjunction to truffle butter and oil during those times when fresh truffles are out of season or when the budget doesnt allow for the real thing. Preserved truffles out of the jar or can have almost no flavor or odor. If you are looking for the true flavor of a fresh truffle, then please visit our fresh truffle page and purchase a fresh truffle - we carry the markets best selection of fresh truffles while they are available at unbeatable prices. If youre looking to add a truffle appearance to your dish, then this is the product for you, as the excellent texture, rigidity and wholeness of our preserved truffles will give any dish a truffle look.

Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz

Product By : Eugenio Brezzi

Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz .

  • Product Brand: Eugenio Brezzi - Country of Origin: Italy
  • Ingredients: White Truffles (Tuber Magnatum Pico), water, salt.
  • Product is shelf-stable and will ship via FedEx Ground service
  • Availability: Usually ships within 1 business day

  • Are you looking for Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz best offer ? Hurry !! This Winter White Italian Truffles - Brushed - 3 x 7 oz offer is limited time only !

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