Klark Teknik DN360B

Klark Teknik DN360B

The Klark Teknik DN360 has been in continuous production for seventeen years with only one minor design revision, and is still the most popular analogue graphic equaliser on the planet.With over 30,000 units shipped worldwide to date, DN360 has achieved ubiquity in pro-audio circles. So why is it so enduringly popular? Like all KT units it is well designed and engineered to very high standards so will handle continuous road use with only minimal service. They are also very consistent, so engineers using units sourced locally all over the world will get the same response every time.But perhaps most important of all is the way they sound - it's notoriously difficult to describe sound, but talk to anyone that prefers DN360s to any other graphic and they will use words like 'musical' 'smooth' 'responsive' and 'great sounding'. Primarily this is because we use proportional-Q filtering, where the 'Q' value of the frequency increases as the cut or boost increases. This provides a flowing response at low cut / boost values, but also accurate frequency control at higher values.

Klark Teknik DN360B
Product By : Klark Teknik

Klark Teknik DN360B #.

  • Dual Channel 30 Band 1/3 Octave Graphic Equalizer
  • Two x thirty 30mm oil damped precision faders graphically positioned at 1/3 octave ISO frequencies between 25Hz-20kHz
  • Comprehensive standard specifications include electronically balanced inputs and LED overload indicators
  • Earth lift switch enables signal and chassis grounds to be isolated eliminating ground-loop problems
  • Useful low cut 18dB/octave filters preventing subsonic components from overloading speakers or amplifiers
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